Tour Rules and Forms

CYSO Tour Rules

  1. Use of Alcohol, illegal drugs or tobacco and other illegal activities is strictly forbidden.
  2. Students will meet all curfews and roll calls in person.  
  3. Students are required to participate in all group activities.
  4. Students may not leave the group or the hotel alone.  It is recommended that students travel in groups of three or more and be accompanied by a chaperone.
  5. Students must sign out when leaving the group, stating their destination and sign in upon their return.
  6. Students may not leave the group or the hotel with any person who is not part of the tour.
  7. Boys may not enter girl’s rooms or girls enter boy’s rooms between curfew and 6:30am.
  8. Students will comply with rooming assignments.

Students will be sent home at their parent’s expense if they demonstrate a flagrant or persistent disregard for the rules or if they refuse to cooperate with CYSO staff or chaperones.  There will be no appeal of a decision to terminate a participant.  Termination from the tour will be at the participant's expense.

Tour Agreements

Medical Information

Emergency Contacts