Chamber Orchestra
Chamber Orchestra Audition Requirements
- Solo work of the student’s choice, an excerpt about 1-2 minutes in length - grade 6 and up recommended. Please bring a copy of the piece to the adjudicators at the time of audition.
- Scales and arpeggios
- Sight-reading may be required
Scales and Arpeggios
- Chromatic scales may be asked - play one octave starting on any note.
- Students may be asked to play with various articulations such as martelé or staccato.
- Major - (2 octaves) Dd, F, F# (3 octaves) A, Bb
- Melodic minor - (2 octaves) c#, f, f# (3 octaves) a, bb
- Major - (2 octaves) F#, Bb, B (3 octaves) C, D
- Melodic minor - (2 octaves) f#, bb, b (3 octaves) c, d
- Major - (2 octaves) E, F#, Ab, B (3 octaves) C, D
- Melodic Minor - (2 octaves) e, f#, g#, b (3 octaves) c, d
- Major - (2 octaves) F, F#, G
- Melodic Minor - (2 octaves) f, f#, g
- All scales and arpeggios are to be played slurred, 2 octaves, ascending and descending at a tempo which best shows your proficiency
- Scales will be played ascending and descending
- Arpeggios will be played in the common chords for the same keys
- Major - (2 octaves) up to 5 sharps and 5 flats
- Melodic or harmonic minor - (2 octaves) e, b, f#, c#, d, g, c, f
- Chromatic - (3 octaves) start on C
- Major - (a 12th) F#, Ab (2 octaves) Bb, B Db, E, F
- Melodic or harmonic minor - (a 12th) g, g# (2 octaves) bb, b, c#, f
- Chromatic - (2 octaves) start on Bb, C, Eb, E
- Major - (2 octaves) Ab, Bb, B, Db, D, Eb (3 octaves) E
- Melodic or harmonic minor - (2 octaves) g#, a, bb, b, c# (3 octaves) e
- Chromatic - (2 octaves) start on F, A, C (3 octaves) starts on E
- Major - (2 octaves: Db, D, Eb, E, Ab (3 octaves) Bb, B
- Melodic or harmonic minor - (2 octaves) c#, e, g, g# (3 octaves) bb, b
- Chromatic - (2 octaves) start on E, F, A (3 octaves) start on Bb
French Horn
- Major - (2 octaves) C, Db, F#, Ab
- Melodic or harmonic minor - (2 octaves) c#, eb, g, a
- Chromatic - (2 octaves) start on E, F, F#, G